The Vanishing

I see some still read this journal, and that’s heartening. Thank you. Sorry for the lack of updates (and sorry, Irene, to keep your pretty face plastered as the first image for so long). I was working on finishing up The Salted Orchard until I got hit with some illness—a summer flu or something, I don’t know; I had a fever that caused my sweetheart a good amount of worry, which I am always glad for, because then she can break into her dozens of bottles of tinctures and paper bags of herbs and give me all the care and natural healing that I thought had disappeared after it became awkward for my mother to snuggle me when I was low.
I also had to plan an out-of-town trip to see Arcade Fire and Arctic Monkeys play the Roman arena at Nîmes, and then take said trip (oh, the envy I feel fills me up and makes me whole again). On top of all that, I returned to New York last week, and I will be staying through August. I will also visit my sister in California next week, where she will be wed. So you see, I have a lot on my plate.
Of course, professional writers will tell you that these are poor excuses for not writing, and I wholeheartedly agree (heavy, guilty, nervous heart). I am even getting settled into life here in New York after a few days of movies and restaurants and family, and I did not write today. But here, I am writing now and it feels good.
I did not mean to abandon this blog. And if you are not enjoying the serial fiction, do not despair: it will soon be over. I’m enjoying it, mostly (after I’ve finished a chapter), and it is a good exercise for me. So, thank you again for sticking around (and for those enjoying it, sorry to keep you hanging).
Let me challenge myself to posting the next chapter tomorrow, and see if it doesn’t happen. See you soon, kind readers.